Saturday, March 05, 2011
New blog
Now I've figured out how to update my blog from my blackberry I'm going to start updating it again - this time with a fresh new look and blog - here! Click here!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Crap blogger
OK ... my blogging of late has been particularly poor I confess. Summer and little free time (read inability to get off Warcraft...) means it has been a bit tumble-weedy here.
I have however, been managing to Tweet daily, so if you're interested in what I'm up to in the meanwhile see me here (Twitter is a social site where you update what you're up to in 140 characters or less - I seem to be able to manage this...)
I have however, been managing to Tweet daily, so if you're interested in what I'm up to in the meanwhile see me here (Twitter is a social site where you update what you're up to in 140 characters or less - I seem to be able to manage this...)
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Almost a month

Wow, almost a month since I lasted blogged. It's been all go at Chez Socherry. Even this blog post is going to be a rush as my sis wants to play Call of Duty, and I've been busy every time she's asked for the past few weeks.
Today the boy and I were shop-sitting Old Maiden Aunt's shop, so I took the opportunity to make use of the great sink, pans and most of all space, to do a whole heap of dyeing. I got totally into it, and didn't sit down for more than 20 mins in 7 and half hours! The pics are not even th half of it. Once it's all dry and pretty in skeins I'll add it to Rav and the blog.

The yarn above was one that I honestly was about to throw into the street. It was a very kind donation by someone from the States as I wanted to try Knitpicks laceweight - but it came in a Terracotta colour - which isn't really my colour. So I tried to dye it a browny-yellow. This made it even worse.
The boy suggested maybe a blue to make it more purply... so I went with a vibrant teal. It didn't go purple at all - but in a happy accident, went a really cool burnt wood kind of colour. It's a bit darker in real life, a woody brown with black, and looks really quite interesting.
I also dyed a yarn what I thought would be a lovely rich mustardy yellow and it went Way Too Primary yellow on me. I added a bit of teal for luck, and it went total bile. Just revolting. Left it swinging for a bit and carried on dyeing, then decided to throw it in with a whole pot of teal again - and it worked again. Now I have an olivy green, which may still yet be too bright, but is definiately a million times better!

In other news, I finally reached the Dark Portal in World of Warcraft at Level 58 - I'm very proud of myself for this - lotta hard work and time.

Fenna continues, as does Rogue. Rogue has 4 more rows and a complicated hood cable grafting which is currently a bit daunting to consider ... the sleeves still need blocked too (as does the never-ending blue scarf - but we won't go there... who needs a scarf right now anyway - it's a heatwave after all)

I also played a bit with colourwork and won! I'm now confident that a yoke steeked cardi is in my future. Or at the very least some fair-isle gloves.
I found a course to start in October, and am gearing up to sell my Cherry stitch markers again. Phew! So this is me signing out to run around being a soldier with my sis for a bit on the Xbox.
Sorry for any spells, and lack of linkage tonight - the cat also wants my attention and has been whinging like a little brat for the entire duration of this post *sigh*
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Ravelry Day 2009

It was a dreich day on Saturday, and I was outdoors for all of it. But it was the best birthday ever! Loads of stalls full of yarn, dyes, buttons, fibres - just fab! I spent, spent spent, while the patient boy wandered around Coventry town centre in the rain. Thank you, the boy!

And then it got even better - I had a ticket to Meg Swansen's talk, which was inside, in the warm and dry. Above, a photo of the man taking photos of all the fans. Below, the talk was introduced by Jared Flood!

It was a great talk, and there were plenty of questions. I really enjoyed myself, and feel lucky to have been there, as I believe this was her first talk in the UK. And, she signed a book for me! So I spoke to her too- I was a little starstruck!
I thought it would be cool to run into the Yarn Harlot in Toronto, when we're there later this year, but after meeting Meg I realise that I would probably be paralysed with fear ...

At the end of a long day, it stopped raining at last. Just as the alpacas were being loaded onto their little lorry - attracting much double-taking from the locals.

I got so much - above:
Jamiseon's shade card - yum!,
vintagey Birds of Toronto book from the boy,
Hand Knitting with Meg Swansen and Knitting Around from the book signing,
Gathering lace from my mum (also from my mum, the cool Johnstone's of Elgin waterproof bag - which came in very handy!!)
An amigurumi book from Lynette - in English so I can finally figure out how to do it! I got some Japanese ones from Tokyo when I was there, but can't quite work it out.
Some buttons from Textile Garden - be warned, the website is very addictive!!
And the rest below;

Troon tweed aran, oiled in just lovely colours, from Texere's stall.

A bouncy bouncy birthday pressie from old maiden aunt!

184m of DK handspun is the most sumptious colours - an absolute steal from kraftykoala!

And 2 cones, one of Blue-faced Leicester aran, and one of 4ply lambswool, for dyeing. I also bought some dyes too.

As I said, the best day. Ever.
Friday, May 22, 2009

It's been a dreich old day today. So what better to cheer me up than a couple of skeins of old maiden aunt's yummy squashy dreich alpaca/silk blend?
It's not as gloomy as it sounds - the boy says (and I agree) that the colourway looks like the sky with a silver lining - when the worst has passed and it's beginning to hint that it might brighten up soon.
I popped along today with a couple of knitty friends to see Lilith in her studio. It was great - I got to watch her dyeing away - a very organised set-up it was too. Hooks above the sink to leave yarn to drip and cool, clothes horses to let it dry. It's given me the dyeing bug again and I'm hoping to get along for one of her dyeing workshops soon.
I also borrowed a copy of Stahman's Shawls and Scarves as I'm having a lust for a faroese shawl, and Fenna looks like the just the ticket!

I know, I know, what about Rogue? Well Rogue is motoring on - I'm onto the hood now.
It's still a great knit, it's just that I'm in a knitting mood, and ends need woven in and the sleeves need hemmed and blocked. And I can't be arsed with doing the footery stuff at the moment.
But to be honest I'm looking for something a bit mindless to work on. I realise even as I say this, that I winge relentlessly when I end up knitting something mindless ... but I'm hoping that the Faroese shawl has enough in it, with shoulder shaping and a planned feather and fan bottom, to keep me entertained.
I tried to take some arty Brooklyn Tweed-style shots here - the angle is quite fun, but the colour is WAY off - it's much more of a petrol teal-y blue (hence the colourway Petrol!).

Some more nature shots - the flower below is lovely and sharp. I'm very happy with it!
At the bottom is a very quickly taken shot of a moorhen baby hiding in the reeds - it's blurry but so cute. We saw him/her about a week ago but haven't seen it since - it's been pretty rainy though, and the council (in their 'wisdom') have seen fit to start digging up the path next to the pond in the middle of nesting season...
And the squirrel was papped scratching his armpit on a bin - classy.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Yesterday I grabbed the nearest scrap of paper to scrawl notes on levelling alchemy on Warcraft (those in the know, you understand. Those not in the know, if you're really interested click here) which turned out to be a ball label from the yarn I'm using for Rogue.
I feel these photos provide a much better description of my free time this week than words ever could - Warcraft and Rogue, with a bit of web design on the side.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We were wandering around Kelvingrove Park this morning taking pictures of all the pretty 'Spring is in the Air' flowers that have burst forth when ...

... ever so quietly, so we never heard them coming ...

... the Glasgow Pigeons re-enacted The Birds. 'Twas a bit spooky.

In other news, I am thinking of Christmas already with the arrival of a Bookmooch pattern book. These are so cute, and knitted in a chunkier yarn, so probably the best first attempt at colourwork. If I start now I might be done in time for Christmas!

After all, I only started Rogue in Sept 2008 (the second attempt. Prior to that, my first attempt had been around for more than a year.) OK! So really I started Rogue in around summer 2007.

And I've now caught the bug - it's a surprisingly quick knit once you get into it. I'm loving the cables - the detail is from the waist-shaping. I'm at the back now and can't wait to see this all come together. The yarn is a lovely boingy Blue-faced Leicester aran-weight from Texere yarns, and is just yummy.

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